Setting a Standard of Excellence for Public Education in the Commonwealth
Fostering a High Quality New Staff for our 2020-2021 School Year

Each new teacher was assigned a mentor to ensure a successful entry into his/her new position.
New Teacher Testimonial: "I am continually blessed each day that I work at RCPS. I came here from a school where I worked as an aide for 4 years. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to build the relationships that I had there. Not only was I wrong, but I feel so much support each and every day. I was welcomed from the time that I walked through the door. (RCES Teacher, hired August 2020).
New Staff Testimonial: "RCPS has an unmatched level of support for faculty and staff that trickles down from the central office to building administration, to colleagues. Though it is a small school system, opportunities for students are abundant, and student success is the top priority." (RCES Teacher, hired August 2020).
New Staff Testimonial- "Coming to work for Rappahannock Public Schools has been an amazing experience and I could not be more thrilled with my decision to do so. Throughout the application and interview process, the administrative teams at both schools as well as the School Board Office were incredibly supportive, welcoming, and helpful. There was never a moment when I did not feel that I could reach out to any staff member with a question or for guidance.
Fostering Gratitude and Appreciation

As a special thank you, every staff member was given a frozen turkey for their Thanksgiving feast. This was made possible by a staff wellness grant that was generously given by an anonymous donor earlier this year. A special Thanksgiving Fixings Farmers’ Market was also held at which each employee was given $20 in tickets to shop for locally grown items to accompany their turkey.