Pupil Services
Foster Care Liaison & Homeless Liaison- Carol Johnson: 540-227-0023 cjohnson@rappahannockschools.us
Pupil Services Contact-Michelle Berta: 540-227-0023
Home Instruction
Notice of Intent
Any parent who elects to provide home instruction in lieu of school attendance shall annually notify their local school division by August 15 of their intention to instruct the child. Parents who move into the school district or begin home instruction after the school year has begun must notify the school division as soon as practicable and comply with the provisions of the law within 30 days of such notice. Parents may use the Sample Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction to meet the notice requirement.
For additional information regarding the notice of intent requirement, please contact your local school division.
Evidence of Progress
The parent who elects to provide home instruction shall submit to their local school division, by August 1 following the school year in which the child has received home instruction, evidence of the child’s academic progress with either:
Evidence that the child has attained a composite score in or above the fourth stanine on any nationally normed standardized achievement test; or an equivalent score on the ACT, SAT, or PSAT test; or
An evaluation or assessment which the division superintendent determines to indicate that the child is achieving an adequate level of educational growth and progress, including but not limited to:
An evaluation letter from a person licensed to teach in any state, or a person with a master's degree or higher in an academic discipline, having knowledge of the child's academic progress, stating that the child is achieving an adequate level of educational growth and progress; or
A report card or transcript from a community college or college, college distance learning program, or home-education correspondence school
For additional information regarding the evidence of progress requirement, please contact your local school division.
Other Resources
Home Instruction Handbook – Information for Parents
Sample Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction
Compulsory Attendance Statutes
Health requirements for home-instructed, exempted, and excused children
Driver Education Information for Home Schoolers - Rappahannock County Public Schools is excited to announce that we will be offering a Behind-the-Wheel program to not only RCPS students but also Non-RCPS students. Your child is eligible for the program if they have a learner’s permit, completed Driver’s Education (online or in a classroom), and have completed the 45-hour driving log. The course consists of 7 drive times (2 hours per drive time) and your child will be paired with a partner (each student drives 50 minutes and observes the other student drive for 50 minutes). The cost of the program is $250.00 for Non-RCPS students and $50.00 for RCPS students. Once successfully completing the program requirements, your child will be a Virginia Licensed driver. We understand that it can be a confusing process for parents to get their teen driver licensed and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have! To sign up for the program or if you have any questions about the Behind-the-Wheel program, please email Elizabeth Fox (Driver’s Education Coordinator) at efox@rappahannockschools.us.
Affidavit for Approval to Provide Driver Education Programs for Parents Approved to Home School