School Safety

The safety of our students and staff is a priority of Rappahannock County Public Schools.  We have a comprehensive crisis management plan in place to address possible emergency scenarios. 

In the event of an emergency, public safety officials, school administrators, communication officers, and media use a common terminology to describe school responses to an incident.  For parents and families, knowing this terminology is helpful to understand the school’s response and may help to alleviate concerns during an incident.

Terminology and Procedures

Click the tabs below to learn about each scenario.
Shelter In Place
The safety of our students and staff is a main priority for Rappahannock County Public Schools. Shelter in Place is a short-term measure implemented to isolate students and staff from the outdoor environment and prevent exposure to possible threats such as wildlife, fire in the community, external chemical releases, etc.  Students and staff will remain in their classrooms and follow normal teaching activities until given the all-clear.
Lockdown/Barricade is implemented when the imminent threat of violence is identified on campus or in close proximity to the schools.  All RCPS staff have had extensive hands-on training on the procedures to properly secure the classroom or evacuate as needed to ensure the safety of all students.  The safety of our students and staff is a main priority for Rappahannock County Public Schools. 
Evacuation occurs when local law enforcement, fire and rescue, or school administrators determine that students are safer outside the school building due to fire, earthquake, or other potentially hazardous events.  Staff and students conduct regular drills to quickly and safely exit the school building.  The safety of our students and staff is a main priority for Rappahannock County Public Schools. 

The safety of our students and staff is a main priority for Rappahannock County Public Schools.  In some emergency situations, it may be necessary to relocate students to a safe location away from the school.  Such situations may include fire, natural disaster, school violence, or hazardous material release.  Rappahannock County Public Schools, in collaboration with local law enforcement and emergency medical services, have established a comprehensive plan to quickly and efficiently relocate students if necessary.  

In the event of a relocation, students may only be picked up from the relocation site to ensure proper accounting for all students.  Parents/families should not go to the school..  We urge parents and other visitors to avoid calling our school offices.  This allows us to maintain a safe environment for our students and staff, as well as respond quickly to any emergency communications.  

Throughout the event, we will be sharing regular updates through our communication channels.  These updates will include the location to pick-up students.  Additionally, you will be asked to bring your photo identification with you.  To ensure student safety, school staff will check your ID against a list of individuals that are approved to sign out each student.  

Helpful Tips for Parents

In the event we activate one of our emergency responses, here are some helpful tips for parents.  Thank you for partnering with us to keep our schools safe.

  • Please know that student and staff safety is our main priority.  We are prepared for multiple scenarios and have created comprehensive plans in collaboration with local law enforcement and emergency medical services.  
  • In the event of any above responses (shelter in place, lockdown, evacuation, or relocation), we urge you to avoid coming to school or calling our offices during this time.  This allows us to maintain a safe environment for our students and staff, as well as quickly respond to any emergency communication.
  • Stay informed by viewing our regular communication updates.  We will provide accurate and timely updates on our communication channels: website homepage, email message, text message, phone call, and Rappahannock County Public Schools Facebook page.